Merchant Service API



Please note that the hash parameter must contain the values of those params mentioned in the same order and the Hash key (the key given by Paga) hashed with SHS-512 algorithm ! (excluding the + sign)

Test base-url :
Live base-url:

The following sections provide a more detailed documentation on the Merchant service operations.

1. Get Transaction Details

This service allows the merchant to verify the status and details of an executed process or to determine if a transaction was indeed executed on the system using the pre-shared transaction reference number. The transaction reference number used is unique across the platform, so merchant aggregators checking for transaction status across multiple users should use this method.

Service Method: getTransactionDetails

Request Parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
referenceNumberStringrequiredThe unique transaction code returned as part of a previously executed transaction
Http Headers:
    principal:      publicId (merchant business publicId)
    credentials:    p@ssword1
    hash:           hashed with SHA-512 algorithm of the appended params  
    		    containing(referenceNumber+ apikey)
    Content-Type:   application/json
Request Body:  

Response Parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
referenceNumberStringRequiredThe unique reference number code provided with the request
statusStringOptionalThe status of the transaction, if the transaction was found on the system. Note that any status other than UKNOWN means that the transaction was found on the system
merchantReferenceStringOptionalThe executing customer's reference number on the merchant's system as provided by the customer during transaction processing (eg. customer account number, invoice number etc.)
dateTimeUTCdateTimeOptionalThe transaction date and time provided in UTC standard time
transactionTypeStringOptionalAn enum representing the type of transaction executed
amountDoubleOptionalAmount used during the transaction. Note that this may be different from the amount remitted to the biller or actually charged to the customer depending on any fees included in the transaction.
transactionIdStringOptionalThe common transaction id shared with all parties involved in the transaction
channelStringOptionalThe channel on which the transaction was executed
byAgentBooleanOptionalWhether the transaction was executed at an agent (true) or not (false)
currencyStringOptionalThe currency used in the transaction, if foreign currency is used. Null otherwise
foreignCurrencyAmountDoubleOptionalThe amount used in foreign currency
exchangeRateDoubleOptionalThe exchange rate used, if a foreign currency is used. Null otherwise
responseCodeIntegerOptionalIf the request failed then PAGA will send the exception code else the value of the exception code will be 0(zero).
errorMessageStringOptionalDescribes the status of the request. Whether it succeeds or fails
statusStringOptionalThe status of the process, if the transaction was found on the system. Note that any status other than UKNOWN means that the process was found on the system

2. Get Transaction Details by Invoice Number

This service allows the merchant to verify the status and details of an executed process or to determine if a transaction was indeed executed on the system using the pre-shared transaction invoice number. The invoice number used is unique across the platform, so merchant aggregators checking for transactions status across multiple users should use this method.

ServiceMethod: getTransactionDetailsByInvoiceNumber

Request Parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
invoiceNumberStringRequiredThe invoice number returned as part of a previously executed transaction
Http Headers:
    principal:      publicId (merchant business publicId)
    credentials:    p@ssword1
    hash:           hashed with SHA-512 algorithm of the appended params  
    		    containing(invoiceNumber+ apikey)
    Content-Type:   application/json
Request Body:  

Response parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
referenceNumberStringRequiredThe unique reference number code provided with the request
amountDoubleOptionalAmount used during the transaction. Note that this may be different from the amount remitted to the biller or actually charged to the customer depending on any fees included in the transaction.
dateTimeUTCDateTimeOptionalThe transaction date and time provided in UTC standard time
errorMessageStringOptionalDescribes the status of the request. Whether it succeeds or fails
channelStringOptionalThe channel on which the transaction was executed
foreignCurrencyAmountDoubleOptionalThe amount used in foreign currency
transactionIdStringOptionalThe common transaction id shared with all parties involved in the transaction
responseCodeIntegerOptionalIf the request failed then PAGA will send the exception code else the value of the exception code will be 0(zero).
byAgentBooleanOptionalWhether the transaction was executed at an agent (true) or not (false)
transactionTypeStringOptionalAn enum representing the type of transaction executed
invoiceNumberStringRequiredThe invoice number returned as part of a previously executed transaction
currencyStringOptionalThe currency used in the transaction, if foreign currency is used. Null otherwise
merchantReferenceStringOptionalThe executing customer's reference number on the merchant's system as provided by the customer during transaction processing (eg. customer account number, invoice number etc.)
statusStringThe status of the process, if the transaction was found on the system. Note that any status other than UKNOWN means that the process was found on the system

3. Get Process Details

This service allows the merchant to verify the status and details of an executed process or to determine if a process was indeed executed on the system using the pre-shared process code. The process code used is unique by merchant so merchant aggregators checking for transactions stratus across multiple users should use the getTransactionDetails method.

Service Method: getProcessDetails

Request parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
processCodeStringRequiredThe process code returned as part of a previously executed transaction.
Http Headers:
    principal:      publicId (merchant business publicId)
    credentials:    p@ssword1
    hash:           hashed with SHA-512 algorithm of the appended params  
    		    containing(processCode+ apikey)
    Content-Type:   application/json
Request Body:  

Response Parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
amountDoubleOptionalThe case amount of the transaction. Note that this may be different from the amount remitted to the biller or actually charged to the customer depending on any fees included in the transaction.
dateTimeUTCDateTimeOptionalThe transaction date and time provided in UTC standard time
processCodeStringRequiredThe process code provided with the request
errorMessageStringOptionalDescribes the status of the request. Whether it succeeds or fails
processTypeStringOptionalAn enum representing the type of payment process executed
customerAccountStringOptionalThe executing customer's reference number on the merchant's system as provided by the customer during transaction processing (eg. customer account number, invoice number etc.)
responseCodeIntegerOptionalIf the request failed then PAGA will send the exception code else the value of the exception code will be 0(zero).
statusStringOptionalThe status of the process, if the transaction was found on the system. Note that any status other than UKNOWN means that the process was found on the system

4. Reconciliation Report

This service provides the mechanism for Paga to retrieve reconciled reports on the date range provided containing list of processes and transactions.

Service Method: reconciliationReport

Request Parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
periodStartDateTimeUTCDateTimeRequiredThe datetime period for the reconciliation report to start
periodEndDateTimeUTCDateTimeRequiredThe datetime period for the reconciliation report ends
Http Headers:
    principal: publicId (merchant business publicId)
    credentials: p@ssword1
    hash: hashed with SHA-512 algorithm of the appended params          containing(periodEndDateTimeUTC + periodStartDateTimeUTC  + apikey)
    Content-Type: application/json
Request Body: 

Response Parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
reconciliationItemsReconciliationItemRequiredA list of reconciliation items
responseCodeIntegerOptionalIf the request failed then PAGA will send the exception code else the value of the exception code will be 0(zero).
errorMessageStringOptionalDescribes the status of the request. Whether it succeeds or fails


Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
pagaProcessCodeStringOptionalThe process code provided with the request
statusStringOptionalThe status of the process, if the transaction was found on the system. Note that any status other than UKNOWN means that the process was found on the system
descriptionStringOptionalDescription for the process
transactionDatetimeUTCDateTimeOptionalThe transaction date and time provide in UTC standard time
referenceNumberStringOptionalThe executing customer's reference number on the merchant's system as provided by the customer during transaction processing (eg. customer account number, invoice number etc.)
amountDoubleOptionalThe case amount of the transaction. Note that this may be different from the amount remitted to the biller or actually charged to the customer depending on any fees included in the transaction.

5. Get Foreign Exchange Rate

This service provides the mechanism to determine the exchange rate.

Service Method : getForeignExchangeRate

Request Parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
baseCurrencyCurrencyCode (restricted string)Required
foreignCurrencyCurrencyCode (restricted string)Required
Http Headers:
    principal: publicId (merchant business publicId)
    credentials: p@ssword1
    hash: hashed with SHA-512 algorithm of the appended params     	   	  containing(baseCurrency + foreignCurrency + apikey)
    Content-Type: application/json
Request Body: 

Response Parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
baseCurrencyCurrencyCode (restricted string)Required
foreignCurrencyCurrencyCode (restricted string)Required
buyRateDoubleRequiredThe exchange rate at which Paga will buy the foreign currency in exchange for base currency
responseCodeIntegerOptionalIf the request failed then PAGA will send the exception code else the value of the exception code will be 0(zero).
errorMessageStringOptionalDescribes the status of the request. Whether it succeeds or fails
sellRateDoubleRequiredThe rate at which Paga will sell the foreign currency in exchange for the base currency

6. Refund Bill Pay

This service allows merchants to fully or partially refund bill payment previously made to them by a customer. The refund specified may be in full or a partial amount. Full refunds may include or exclude customer fee.

Service Method: refundBillPay

Request Parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
referenceNumberStringRequiredThe unique reference number provided as part of the original transaction which identifies the transaction to be refunded.
includesCustomerFeeBooleanOptionalIndicates whether the refund includes the customer fee (true) or not (false)
fullRefundBooleanRequiredIndicates whether the refund is full or partial
refundAmountDoubleRequiredOnly provided for a partial refund, this indicates the amount to be refunded.
currencyCurrencyCodeOptionalThe currency used in the transaction.
reasonStringOptionalHuman readable reason for refund
customerPhoneNumberStringRequiredThe phone number of the customer that performed the operation
Http Headers:
    principal: publicId (merchant business publicId)
    credentials: p@ssword1
    hash: hashed with SHA-512 algorithm of the appended params containing(referenceNumber + refundAmount + customerPhoneNumber + apikey)
    Content-Type: application/json
Request Body: 
        "referenceNumber":"242355", "includesCustomerFee":true, 
        "fullRefund":true, "refundAmount":"242355", 
        "currency":"NGN", "reason":"242355",

Response Parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
refundTransactionIdStringRequiredA short/common transaction id of the refund which is shared with all parties. Note that this may not be unique over a long period of time
refundAmountDoubleRequiredAmount refunded if the refund is partial
originalReferenceNumberStringRequiredReference number of the original transaction as provided with the request
currency currencyCurrencyCodeOptionalThe currency used in the refund transaction if a foreign currency is used
exchangeRateDoubleOptionalThe exchange rate used if a foreign currency was used
errorMessageStringOptionalDescribes the status of the request. Whether it succeeds or fails
responseCodeIntegerOptionalIf the request failed then PAGA will send the exception code else the value of the exception code will be 0(zero).

7. Get Transaction Details By Merchant Reference Number

This service allows the merchant to verify the status and details of an executed transaction or to determine if a transaction was indeed executed on the system using the merchant reference number. Merchant aggregators checking for transaction status across multiple users should use this method.

Service Method: getTransactionDetailsByMerchantReference

Request Parameter

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
merchantReferenceStringMandatoryThe Merchant unique transaction code used as part of a previously executed transaction

Sample Code

Http Headers:
    principal:      publicId (merchant business publicId)
    credentials:    p@ssword1
    hash:           hashed with SHA-512 algorithm of the appended params  
    		    containing(merchantReference+ apikey)
    Content-Type:   application/json
Request Body: 
    "responseCode": 0,
    "errorMessage": null,
    "invoiceNumber": null,
    "referenceNumber": "SCN-C_202004160844079_1524135_JG218",
    "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "merchantReference": "conn-51452672",
    "dateTimeUTC": 1587023047010,
    "transactionType": "CUSTOMER_SEND_CASH_TO_CUSTOMER",
    "amount": 8000.0,
    "transactionId": "JG218",
    "channel": "BUSINESS_API",
    "byAgent": false,
    "currency": "NGN",
    "exchangeRate": null,
    "foreignCurrencyAmount": null

Response Parameters

Argument NameTypeRequirementDescription
responseCodeIntegerMandatoryIf the request failed then PAGA will send the exception code else the value of the exception code will be 0(zero)
errorMessageStringMandatoryDescribes the status of the request. Whether it succeeds or fails
referenceNumberStringMandatoryThe unique reference number code provided with the request
statusStringMandatoryThe status of the transaction, if the transaction was found on the system. Note that any status other than UKNOWN means that the transaction was found on the system
merchantReferenceStringMandatoryThe executing customer's reference number on the merchant's system as provided by the customer during transaction processing (eg. customer account number, invoice number etc.)
dateTimeUTCdatetimeOptionalThe transaction date and time provided in UTC standard time
transactionTypeStringMandatoryAn enum representing the type of transaction executed
amountDoubleMandatoryAmount used during the transaction. Note that this may be different from the amount remitted to the biller or actually charged to the customer depending on any fees included in the transaction.
transactionIdStringMandatoryThe common transaction id shared with all parties involved in the transaction
channelStringMandatoryThe channel on which the transaction was executed
byAgentBooleanMandatoryWhether the transaction was executed at an agent (true) or not (false)
currencyStringOptionalThe currency used in the transaction, if foreign currency is used. Null otherwise
exchangeRateDoubleOptionalThe exchange rate used, if a foreign currency is used. Null otherwise
foreignCurrencyAmountDoubleOptionalThe amount used in foreign currency