PHP Library


Paga-connect is a PHP module that helps you make API calls when processing Paga Transactions.

1. Create Paga Business Account

You need to create a Paga business account

2. Installation

 composer require paga/paga-connect


Import class

To use Paga-connect, you would need to import it

 require_once __DIR__ .'/vendor/autoload.php;
 use PagaConnect\PagaConnectClient;

3. Usage

Initialize the class

To Initialize the class, use your Paga client id and password, for testing, set flag to true

use PagaConnect\PagaConnectClient;
$pagaConnect = PagaConnectClient::builder()

As shown above, you set the principal and credential given to you by Paga, then set your Redirect URL, scope, and User data are arrays of strings and are required to inform Paga-connect which data and operations you would need and initiate for the user.

4. Paga Connect Functions

Authorisation Code

To obtain your authorisation code, click here

Access Token

To get Access token, Use the authorization code gotten from the call to the backend and initialize it

$token_data = $pagaConnect->getAccessToken($authorization_code);

Merchant Payments:

This is the operation executed to make a payment to you on behalf of the customer. To make use of this function, call the merchantPaymentin PagaConnectClient which would return a JSON.

$payment_data = $pagaConnect->merchantPayment( $token_data['access_token'],"ref-12345",500, 7101, "1wxew", "NGN");

Money Transfer:

This operation allows you to transfer money from a user's Paga account to another user whose phone number is specified in the parameter. To make use of this function, call the moneyTransfer in PagaConnectClient which would return a JSON.

$result = $pagaConnect ->moneyTransfer( $token_data['access_token'],"ref123", "2200", "08184361000", "yes");


This operation allows you to get details of the user. To make use of this function, call the getUserDetails in PagaConnectClient which would return a JSON.

$result = $pagaConnect ->getUserDetails( $token_data['access_token'],"ref123");

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