Dynamic Virtual Accounts

One-time use account number for receiving payment

Dynamic Virtual accounts are one-time use account numbers (NUBAN) generated from Paga that allow merchants to receive payment via Bank Transfers.


Dynamic Virtual Account and Persistent Account are different

Dynamic Virtual Account can only be used for a single transaction and expired after a set period or immediately after the designated transaction is completed.

Persistent Account are account numbers generated for repeat payment. They can be tied to a customer in perpetuity, and they do not expire unless deleted by a merchant.

How to get paid

Generate a dynamic virtual account and get paid in 3 simple steps:

  1. Generate an account number via Payment Request endpoint with the BANK_TRANSFER payment method.
  2. Display the account number to your customer and indicate the bank as Paga.
  3. After successful payment, we send you a callback with details of the payment.

Step 1: Get all the needed information

Below is the list of parameters required to generate account number

ArgumentData TypeDescriptionRequired
referenceNumberStringA unique reference number representing this request. The same reference number will be returned in the response and can be used to query the payment request statusTrue
amountFloatThe amount being requestedTrue
currencyStringThe currency of the operation, only required if being executed in a foreign currency.True
payerObjectThe person/entity from whom we are requesting a paymentTrue
payer.nameStringName of the payer.True
payer.phoneNumberStringPhone number of the payer. Either one of phone-number or e-mail address must be providedTrue
payer.emailStringE-mail address of the payer. Either one of phone-number or e-mail address must be providedFalse
payeeObjectThe person/entity to receive the payment, if the payee identifier (eg. phone number, email, etc.) is not supplied, the payment request processor is automatically selected as recipientTrue
payee.nameStringName of the recipient
It would be important to note that the name that shows up for the Payer (eg. when doing a name enquiry at a bank), is what you provide in the payee.name parameter by default.
expiryDateTimeUTCStringTime limit for the payment request to be fulfilled otherwise it will be automatically expired, this must be with one week of requesting payment. If not provided the default expiry window value is applied.False
isSuppressMessagesBooleanSuppress direct messaging to payer and recipient. Default value is false Yes
payerCollectionFeeShareFloatThis represents the percentage of the payment request fee that will be charged to the payer. The combination of payerCollectionFeeShare and recipientCollectionFeeShare must be less than 1.0 True
payeeCollectionFeeShareFloatThis represents the percentage of the payment request fee that will be charged to the payee. The combination of payerCollectionFeeShare and payeeCollectionFeeShare must be less than 1.0 True
isAllowPartialPaymentsBooleanBoolean flag indicating whether or not to accept partial payments for the payment request.
Default value is false
isAllowOverPaymentsBooleanBoolean flag indicating whether or not to accept payments above the amount set for the payment request. If isAllowOverPayments is set to true, then overpayments will be rejected. If set to true then overpayments will be accepted as before.
Default value is true
callBackUrlStringThe callback url that will be notified with updates on the payment request statusFalse
paymentMethodsListList of permitted payment methods for processing this request. Parse value as BANK_TRANSFER True

Step 2: Generate a virtual account

For this step, you’ll need to parse all the param above in a POST request to obtain the payment bank account number

POST /paymentRequest HTTP/1.1
Host: collect.paga.com
hash:  51102e0c13fcd67877366147f7a7f5cbf8fbaaec5304edc68126179978e743572b9426975cef0d7ed1863fdda6065b1b254bfdfcf4d0f39ae1ccd8a010cc4382
Authorization: Basic e3t1c2VybmFtZX19Ont7cGFzc3dvcmR9fQ==
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 565

    "referenceNumber": "246000909797",
    "amount": 50,
    "currency": "NGN",
    "payer": {
        "name": "Mustapha",
        "phoneNumber": "07060823006"
    "payee": {
        "name": "Gurner Nigeria Limited"
    "expiryDateTimeUTC": "2022-04-28T16:35:00",
    "isSuppressMessages": true,
    "payerCollectionFeeShare": 1,
    "payeeCollectionFeeShare": 0,
    "isAllowPartialPayments": false,
    "callBackUrl": "https://webhook.site/efda4728-139e-4efa-b5c3-d7fb24e28475?",
    "paymentMethods": [

Sample Response

    "referenceNumber": "246000909797",
    "statusCode": "0",
    "statusMessage": "success",
    "requestAmount": 50.0,
    "totalPaymentAmount": 50.41,
    "currency": "NGN",
    "paymentMethods": [
            "name": "BANK_TRANSFER",
            "properties": {
                "AccountNumber": "0856712865"
            "name": "MONEY_TRANSFER",
            "properties": {
                "AccountNumber": "0856712865"
    "expiryDateTimeUTC": "2022-04-28T16:35:00",
    "isPayerPagaAccountHolder": false

Step 3: Payment details

Display the account number to your customers on a friendly UI

Account Number: 0856712865
Bank: Paga
Amount: 50.41

Step 4: Callback Notification

After your customer makes the payment, we’ll send a callback notification to the callback URL you provided in your request
More about callback parameters

  "event": "PAYMENT_COMPLETE",
  "notificationId": "a12ef82b-14d0-4a67-a08c-162b95154f59",
  "statusCode": "0",
  "statusMessage": "Payment Request has been authorized",
  "externalReferenceNumber": "234447994060953",
  "state": "CONSUMED",
  "outstandingBalance": 0,
  "paymentAmount": 4032.25,
  "cumulativePaymentAmount": 4032.25,
  "collectionFee": 32.25,
  "fundingDetails": {
    "payerAccountNumber": "0980763285",
    "paymentReferenceNumber": null,
    "payerName": "Bello Ramon",
    "payerBankName": null,
    "payerBankAccountNumber": "0980763285"
  "hash": "33f9c9bd0785c2ccfa66ddedfbae7c3b56361250c581a39edad1d2ed08ccfbed845f34b8c30532f7c0ec544483ebee9360c5749bfe5eaa9986ac5553488e058a"

Step 5: Check payment status

You’ll need to make a server-to-server call to get the status of the transaction. Your JSON request should look like below

POST /status HTTP/1.1
Host: collect.paga.com
hash: 1f42eb2a076147063285d6321a969376472c2b2710220051c1736386ff01ea0f9c4ff8ddf43cd8e497327760a2faad9139a4a3af38a1e2c2f68b56851a5a99f1

Authorization: Basic e3t1c7VybmFtZX19Ont7cGFzc3dvcmR9fb==
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 51

    "referenceNumber": "23534646579650395979"

You’ll receive a JSON response like below, the data dictionary will give you the details and status of your request.

    "referenceNumber": "2460039509797",
    "statusCode": "0",
    "statusMessage": "success",
    "data": {
        "referenceNumber": "2460039509797",
        "statusCode": "0",
        "statusMessage": "success",
        "requestAmount": 50.0,
        "totalPaymentAmount": 50.41,
        "currency": "NGN",
        "paymentMethods": [
                "name": "REQUEST_MONEY",
                "properties": {
                    "PaymentReference": "0be92b6b-b057-4652-a773-2fc4f886637c",
                    "WebPaymentLink": "https://justpaga.me/0be92b6b-b057-4652-a773-2fc4f886637c"
        "expiryDateTimeUTC": "2022-04-28T16:35:00",
        "isPayerPagaAccountHolder": true

What if payment wasn’t made or completed

Don’t worry, we will send you a conclusive callback once the request expires and the customer didn’t make payment.

We are done!

Other supporting operations

We have few more endpoints available to give you more flexibility

  • Refund - Refund a payment previously received from customer, support full and partial refund operation
  • History of all activities - Generate the history of all activities you've performed, requests generated, the payment received, and refund completed among other